- Advanced Coursework Pathway
- Senior Calendar 2024-2025
- College and Career Prep
- Keys to Success
- Concurrent Enrollment and Advanced Placement Classes
- Graduation Requirements
- Master Schedule
- College Admissions
- Scholarships
- CTE Internships
- CTE Pathways
- Enrichments for Graduation
- Testing
- Mental Health Resources
- Valedictorian and Salutatorian Guidelines
- Honors Diploma
- Clubs and Sports at Tooele High
Advanced Coursework Pathway
Tooele High School Advanced Coursework
As we work to bolster our academics at Tooele High School, we are making a shift away from traditional honors
courses to a more practical solution that better prepares students for advanced coursework. Traditionally, honors
course rigor has been left to the classroom teacher to develop which has led to inconsistencies with appropriate
preparation for students, thus moving forward we commit to ensuring that students have access to an appropriate
curriculum that guides their learning. Advanced coursework at the secondary level should start to focus on a pathway
the student is choosing so they can best select the courses that will support them in the post-secondary world. In rare
circumstances, students can apply to advance in a subject if CMT approves the student to take a competency
Advanced Coursework Options by Subject
- 9th and 10th grade students who are ready or would like to be challenged at higher level, may enroll in Pre-AP
ELA 9 and Pre-AP ELA 10.
- 11th and 12th grade students may enroll in Advanced Placement and Concurrent Enrollment courses.
- 9th grade students may enroll in Math 1 Extended.
- 10th grade students may enroll in Math 2 Extended or Math 2/3 Extended which combines two years of math
into one year.
- 11th grade students may enroll in Math 3 Extended or Data Science in lieu of Math 3 to complete the Math
1040 pre-requisite.
- 11th and 12th grade students may enroll in Advanced Placement and Concurrent Enrollment courses.
- 9th, 10th, 11th, & 12th grade students may enroll in Advanced Placement courses. It is recommended to start
with AP Physics 1 based on the math skills needed.
- 11th and 12th grade students may enroll in Concurrent Enrollment courses.
- 9th, 10th, 11th, & 12th grade students may enroll in Advanced Placement courses.
- 11th and 12th grade students may enroll in Concurrent Enrollment courses.
Senior Calendar 2024-2025
College and Career Prep
College Planning
- Admit Utah
- Keys to Success
- YouScience
- Utah System of Higher Education
- Facts at a Glance
- Utah College Guide (English)
- Utah College Guide (Spanish)
- Opportunity Scholarship Information
- ACT Testing
- NCAA Eligibility
Not sure where you want to go to college? Not sure if your program of study is available at the school you want to attend?
Check out the Utah Majors Guide
Keys to Success
Concurrent Enrollment and Advanced Placement Classes
- Benefits of Enrollment
- Qualifications
- Step by Step Admissions and Registration Instructions
- Sample of CE Registration Form
- AP or Concurrent Enrollment Chart
- Associate Degree Information
- Be An Aggie
- Important CE Information
Benefits of Enrollment
Step by Step Admissions and Registration Instructions
Step by Step Admissions & Registration
Concurrent Enrollment Registration Instructions
Step 1: Apply for Admission
• Go to
• Select Apply Now
• Complete the application and pay the $50 fee
Step 2: Create Password
Within 3 business days of paying the $50 application fee, the
student will be emailed an A number. If not, call 435.797.8223
• Go to and create the password
• After creating the password, wait at least 15 minutes
before registering for courses
Step 3: Register for Courses
• Go to
• Select Register Now and follow the steps listed.
• Don't wait; late registrations are $ 100/ course ( deadlines
are viewable when selec ting courses)
Step 4: Pay Tuition
• Go to
• Select Pay Tuition and follow the steps listed.
• Don't wait; late payments incur a $15 fee
Remember ...
You must meet basic eligibility requirements in order to take
concurrent enrollment. USU requires a 3.0 high school GPA.
Additionally, if taking math, a student must meet math requirements
as follows: for Math 1050, a 23 on the Math portion of
the ACT. For Math 1040, a C average in Secondary Math I, II, Ill.
Concurrent Enrollment Registration Instructions
Step 1: Apply for Admission
• Go to
• Select Admission
• Complete the application and submit.
Step 2: SLCC Student ID Number
When you have completed your application, you will receive an
acceptance letter with your SLCC student ID number or "S number''.
You should receive that letter within approximately 7 to l 0
business days. Keep your S number in a secure place. You will
need your S number to access your SLCC records through your
MySLCC account.
• Go to and click Reset Password
• After creating the password, wait at least 15 minutes
before registering for courses
Step 3: Register for Courses
• Go to
• Click on myslcc at the top of the page and log in.
• Once inside student portal, click on Registration
• Find Banner Registration and click on Register Here
• Select academic term and then Add/ Drop Classes
• Select term and click on Enter CRN tab.
• Your teacher will provide the CRN
• When the class is shown, c lick on Add to Summary
• Click on Submit to complete registration
Step 4: Pay Tuition
• Go to
• Click on myslcc at the top of the page and log in.
• Once in student portal, click on Tuition & Financial aid
• Click on SLCCPay+ and click on Make Payment
Concurrent Enrollment Registration Instructions
Step 1: Apply for Admission
• Go to
• Select Concurrent Enrollment Registration
• Step l contains a link for application. Complete an
application or login to continue an application.
Step 2: Get your Wildcat Username
One to two days after applying, you will receive an
acceptance letter which will outline how to set up your
username and eweber access.
Step 3: Register for Courses
• Go to
• Select Register for Classes Online
• Proceed through the online prompts to add class.
• Pay tuition
Remember ...
In order to register for English 2015, you must meet l of 3
prerequisite requirements as follows: Complete English
OR receive at least 29 on both the English & Reading
sections of ACT OR earn a passing score on the AP Language
Exam (3 or higher) and have your scores sent to
and recorded by Weber.
Admissions & Registration Links
Deadline Dates are on Each site
Utah State University
$5.00 per credit Partial Tuition Fee/subject to change
Salt Lake Community College
$5.00 per credit Partial Tuition Fee/subject to change
Weber State University
$5.00 per credit Partial Tuition Fee /subject to change
Snow College
$5.00 per credit Partial Tuition Fee / subject to change
Once a student completes admissions, they will receive a college identification number. It is the responsibility of the student to then register for the individual classes they will be taking. Tuition for concurrent enrollment is $5.00 per credit. Most CE classes are 3 credit hours.
CE Courses offered at THS
3.0 Cumulative GPA or higher Required
Utah State University
English 1010 Intro to Writing (Seniors only)
Completion with a C grade or better qualifies student for English 2010
English 2010-Must have taken English 1010 and passed with a C or better.
English 2200 Understanding Literature
Stats 1040 Statistics
Math 1050 College Algebra
Geology 1060
History 1700
Psychology 1010
Political Science 1100 (Seniors only)
HDFS1500 Human Development/Child Development
HEAL 1008 Medical Terminology
ECON 1500 Economics
PSC 1800 Plant and Soil Science
TEAL 1010 Intro to Education
Chemistry 1010 (online only)
BIO 1010 (online only)
Art 1010 (online only)
Music 1010 (online only)
Physics 1010 (online only)
History 1700 (online)
FCSE 1350 (online only)
CS 1030 (online only)
Stats 1040 (online)
Math 1050 (online)
Weber State University
English 1005 College Reading and Intro Writing (Seniors only)
Completion with a C grade or better qualifies student for English 2010
PDD 1010 Intro to Engineering Design (archived)
IDT1050/1350 Architectural Design I & II (archived)
RHS 2175 Sports Med.
RHS 2300 Emergency Response
SNOW College
AGBS 1010 Animal Science
Salt Lake Community College
Geology 1700 Natural Disasters
Math 1030 Quantitative reasoning
CTEL 1010 Ag. Leadership
Interior Design 1010
CLC Courses
Criminal Justice 1010
Criminal Law 1330
Corrections 1300
AP Courses
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC
AP Statistics
AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP Physics 1 Algebra-Based
AP Physics C Mechanics
AP Human Geography
AP World History
AP US History
AP US Government and Politics
AP European History
AP English Language
AP English Literature
AP German Language and Culture
AP Spanish Language and Culture
AP Chinese Language and Culture
AP Music Theory (offered every other year)
Sample of CE Registration Form
AP or Concurrent Enrollment Chart
Advanced Placement Concurrent Enrollment
Cost: $93 per AP Test Plus $15-$20 tuition fee/class
Pass Rate: 60% earn a score of 3 or higher 95% earn a grade of D- or higher,
80% earn a grade of C or higher
While most institutions accept AP score 3 or higher, it is up to the discretion of the institution how that is recorded.
CE credit is recognized as regular college credit and is Tran scripted the same way as credit for courses taken on a college campus. If a student transfers this credit to another college or university in Utah, it counts as if the student took the course there.
Teacher Qualifications:
AP instructors must meet requirements that have been established by the College Board.
CE instructor must possess the academic and industry credentials required by the academic department for adjunct faculty.
AP carries a slightly lower risk. If a student fails it is not recorded on a permanent college transcript.
Grades earned in a CE class become part of a student’s permeant academic record.
Overall Experience:
The primary focus of AP is helping students get a head start on college by earning college credit, and to give students a rigorous classroom experience that prepares them for college.
The primary focus of CE is also helping students get a head start on college by earning college credit. Also allows students to learn college admissions and registration processes. And begin a college academic planning process.
Associate Degree Information
Associate Degree Information
It is possible for a student to earn an Associate of Arts degree while in high school. The degree is awarded by Utah State University.
Interested students must meet with Mrs. Jensen Room 209 in the spring of their SOPHOMORE year.
Students will then be required to meet with an academic advisor at Utah State University Tooele to map out a plan for completion.
Students will need to take classes beginning the summer after their sophomore year in order to complete the necessary 30 credit hours per year.
Summer classes will be full-price tuition.
Be An Aggie
Important CE Information
Important CE Information
- Concurrent Enrollment classes are college classes. The grade a student receives in concurrent enrollment will become part of their official college transcript.
- A student will receive a grade only at the end of the semester and it will be worth 1 full high school credit. For example, if a student receives a B in their concurrent enrollment class, it is equivalent to receiving 4 B's in a high school class for GPA computation.
- Concurrent enrollment is open to juniors and seniors with a GPA of 2.5 for CTE classes and 3.0 for general education classes. Math 1050,1060 requires a 23 on the math section of the ACT. Math 1030 & Stat 1040 require a C average in Math 1,2,3.
- Many concurrent enrollment classes at THS are broadcasts originating at another location. Students are responsible for using the equipment and participating even when their instructor is off-site.
- If a student receives a D or F in concurrent enrollment, they are no longer eligible to take future CE classes. In addition, students must pass (with a C) 66% of their college classes to be eligible for federal financial aid (FAFSA) - this includes Pell Grants and Federal Student Loans.
- Because concurrent enrollment results in college credit, an adjunct faculty member (an THS teacher who is teaching a college level course) is under the authority of the college they teach for. The high school classroom becomes a college classroom for that class. Students who are on an IEP or 504 plan must make arrangements through the college disability center for any accommodations needed.
- Withdrawal from a CE class after the registration deadline will result in a 'W' on a student's college transcript. Students who drop college classes must meet with their counselor and Mrs. Jensen room 209.
- Class availability is subject to change based on college staffing.
Graduation Requirements
Tooele High School
Graduation Requirements
1. Earn Total Credits - 34 credits
High school credit is posted at the end of each term, .25 credits per class with ten credits possible in one year. Students taking Released Time Seminary (religious instruction) or Release to Parent in their senior year will not earn high school credit for the class.
2. Complete credit in each of the General
Education Required Courses.
These classes are listed under General Education Requirements on the next page. Any failing grade in a General Education required class must be made up to earn a diploma.
3. Pass the Civics Exam
Study Guide can be found here Study Guide
If you have not yet passed the civics exam, please contact Ms B in ISS (room 101)
THS General Education Graduation Requirements
Including a full credit in each of the following courses: Language Arts 9, Language Arts 10, Language Arts 11 & Language Arts 12. Courses in AP English Language, AP English Literature, English 1010, 2015, or 2200, College Prep English, Language Arts 12, Journalism, Literature, Debate, 3rd level of World Language & Creative Writing can fill all or part of the requirement for Language Arts 12.
Students must complete at least three credits and two different levels of math. The math sequence is Math I, Math II, and Math III. With parent permission students can take an elective math course to replace Math III for their third math credit. Students who fail math will be placed in a Math Remediation Course as soon as possible to recover the failed term credit.
To fulfill the requirement a student must take three credits including one course from at least two of these four science core areas: Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
9th Grade = Geography for Life . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5
10th Grade = World History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5
11th Grade = U.S. History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0
12th Grade = Civics / Government . . . . . . . . 0.5
10th - 12th Grade = Social Studies Elective . . 0.5
Participation Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5
Fitness for Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5
Elective P.E. or Sports Participation Credit . . 0.5
Visual Arts or Performing Arts.
0.5 DIGITAL LITERACY (option of Business Office Specialist, Exploring Computer Science or Digital Business Applications)
Total Credits:
University Admission Requirements or Recommendations Include:
Most competitive universities recommend two years of the same language.
Minimum requirement = Math I, Math II, Math III. Senior year math (Precalculus, Calculus or Concurrent Enrollment Math) recommended.
Minimum requirement = at least two core laboratory sciences - Biology, Chemistry, Physics. Earth Science is not considered a core science for university admissions. A science with a lab component is usually required.
- U's are put onto transcripts for poor attendance
- 3 unexcused absences, and 5 unexcused tardy' s result in a U
- If a student has any U's on their transcript, they may not participate in any extracurricular activities or participate in graduation.
- To make up U's or learn of opportunities to do so, contact Dawn Dalton at the attendance office
Master Schedule
College Admissions
Opportunity Scholarship
These requirements were created after examining data from the last five years of Utah high school graduates to identify the top predictors of college success.
- Earn a 3.3 cumulative high school GPA
- Complete 3 advanced courses
- Complete 1 Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), or Concurrent Enrollment (CE) course in each of the core areas of high school graduation:
- math,
- science, and
- language arts
- Complete 1 Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), or Concurrent Enrollment (CE) course in each of the core areas of high school graduation:
- Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
- Graduate from a Utah high school
For the class of 2022 only: Students graduating with the class of 2022 may qualify for the Opportunity Scholarship through a Regents’ Track by completing the requirements previously set for the Regents’ Scholarship or the Advanced Course Track by meeting the requirements detailed above. Details regarding Regents’ Track can be found here.
For the class of 2023 and beyond: Students may only qualify for the Opportunity Scholarship by completing the advanced course track described above. No exceptions will be made.
CTE Internships
CTE Pathways
Enrichments for Graduation
- The ACT is a commonly accepted college admissions test with four sections: English, math, reading and science. There is an additional writing section which may be required by some universities. It is recommended that students take the ACT at least twice to try to get the best possible score.
- The SAT is a college admission test with three sections: critical reading, math and writing. Less commonly used by Utah colleges and universities but accepted everywhere.
- These tests are typically taken during the fall of a student's junior year and in the fall of their senior year.
- Waivers for registration fees are available for those students who qualify based on household income. Please see your guidance counselor if you believe you qualify.
How to prepare for the ACT:
- Take challenging courses- in Math, English and Science to develop a strong knowledge base.
- Shmoop
Shmoop is a state funded test preparation program. Students can create an account and access practice tests and drills in each of the four ACT subject areas. To create an account:
- Visit
- Click “GO” where it says “Need to register with a new school or starting a new year?”
- Enter the magic word: FLATTOP (all capital letters)
- You will be directed to Shmoop’s Utah page.
- Select school from alphabetized list
- Log in or create an account
- Join a classroom and get started
- Learning Express Library
Learning Express has many test preparation options including ACT, SAT, and AP exams. To access Learning Express follow the steps listed below:
- Go To:
- Click “Catalog search”
- Click “Learning Express Library”
- Enter access code “T1P84074”
- Click “College admission test preparation”
- Create account, and study!
- ACT Publication - a “Preparing for the ACT Test” practice test is available for free in the counseling office.
- Online ACT Preparation Materials- are also available on
The PSAT is a practice test for the SAT college entrance exam. It is also the test used by the National Merit Scholar Program as a qualifying test. It is a three-hour test given once a year in October. The National Merit Scholarship Competition used only the PSAT test taken in the junior year to award National Merit Scholar Semi-finalist status.
AP courses provide college-level curriculum assisting students in acquiring writing, problem solving, time management skills and habits they'll need to be successful in college. By passing the AP exam student may receive college credits. AP tests are ordered early October and offered in May. The cost is $95 per test. Find more information at
Mental Health Resources
Suicide and Crisis Hotline: 988 or Dial 911 for emergency
Tooele County District Crisis Management
Food Pantries: Call 211
Utah Parent Center and Autism Information Resources: 1 (800) 468-1160
Tooele County Resources: Call 211
The Trevor Project: 1(866) 488-7386
Valley Behavior Health Crisis Worker: (435) 566-5927, After Hours: (435) 882-5600
Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Victim Advocate: (435) 882-6888 or (866) 982-6888
Department of Work Force Services: (866) 435-7417
305 North Main Street Ste#100, Tooele Utah, 84074
Utah State Office of Rehabilitation: 800-734-1086 or 435-882-1086
982 North Main Street, Tooele, Utah, 84074
Division of Child and Family Services: 435-833-7350
Reporting Abuse/Neglect 855-323-3237
305 North Main Street Ste #239, Tooele, Utah, 84074
Valedictorian and Salutatorian Guidelines
VALEDICTORIAN AND SALUTATORIAN REQUIREMENTS: The Valedictorian and Salutatorian are the highest awards bestowed to a student at Tooele High School. Students who receive these awards have adhered to and maintained the highest ethical and academic integrity while engaging in all scholarly pursuits. To be considered as the Valedictorian and Salutatorian, students must complete four full years of secondary school credit (grades 9-12), two of which, including the full senior year, must be at THS.
TCSD Valedictorian and Salutatorian
Graduating Class of 2027 and Beyond
· Student – TCSD student who has been enrolled at their resident school for their full senior year.
· Valedictorian – The student with the highest calculated score.
· Salutatorian – The student with the second highest calculated score.
· Resident School – The school from which the student will receive their diploma.
· GPA – The students Grade Point Average that includes all course work on the student’s transcript based on a 4.0 scale.
· ACT – The students highest composite score on the American College Test (ACT)
· Class Load – Highest number of credits earned is 36, and courses automatically default to the highest point value.
· CTE Pathway – Completion of any CTE pathway results in a maximum of 2 points added to the caseload formula. Multiple pathways will not result in more than 2 points.
Administrative Guidelines:
· The selection of the valedictorian and salutatorian will be the responsibility of each individual high school. Both students must have attended their school for a minimum of 1 year.
· Any disciplinary issue dealing with academic dishonesty during their time in high school will disqualify a student from being a candidate for valedictorian or salutatorian. No student who receives a major discipline consequence resulting in two (2) or more days of out of school suspension during their junior or senior year will be considered a candidate.
· In the instance of a tie for either distinction, students will be awarded a designation as co-valedictorian or co-salutatorian.
· Should a student move from another district/state, their courses will be awarded based on the same criteria as other candidates. If there is a discrepancy in how many points a course should be awarded, the high school principal shall make an attempt to obtain the course syllabus from the out of district/state school and make the determination of how many points shall be awarded.
· Only courses that are on a student’s high school transcript shall be calculated in the student’s total. Students taking course work outside of the district that do not count towards the student’s high school diploma will not be included in their overall score.
· Courses that are graded on a Pass/Fail basis will not be counted.
· Any course taken prior to 9th grade will not be counted.
· Any student with a grade below 70% on their transcript is excluded from being considered for Val/Sal1
Criteria for Final Score:
GPA – 50%
ACT – 25%
Class Load + CTE Pathway 2 Points Max – 25%
* Blue Peak HS is exempt from this standard
Class Load Point Value:
Course Type |
Point Value |
Notes |
Advanced Placement |
6 |
· Can serve as a replacement for a core course (e.g., Math, Science, ELA, Social Studies) · Can serve as a replacement for a non-core course (e.g., elective, language, arts, etc.) |
Concurrent Enrollment |
5 |
· Can serve as a replacement for a core course (e.g., Math, Science, ELA, Social Studies) · Can serve as a replacement for a non-core course (e.g., elective, language, arts, etc.) |
Core Courses |
4 |
· Maximum of 4 years of Math, Science, and ELA · Maximum of 3 years of Social Studies |
Non-Core Courses |
3 |
· Electives, CTE, PE, Financial Literacy, etc |
Formula to Calculate Total Score
(GPA)/4 x .5 + (ACT)/36 x .25 + [(C-Load) + (2 CTE Pathway)]/170 x .25
Class Load Points
6 🡪 Advanced Placement (AP) classes
5.5 🡪 Concurrent enrollment, honors, and world language (3rd, 4th year) classes
5 🡪 Academic core (language arts, science, math, social studies, world language)
4 🡪 Electives and non-academic core
3 🡪 ETA, teacher aides, pass/fail
In determining class load:
One period less than a full schedule is counted (9 out of 10 classes)
No summer or extended day classes are counted
No correspondence or electronic high school classes are counted unless the class makes up one of the 9 out of 10 classes on a student’s schedule
Trimester CLC classes are averaged into a semester system
Honors Diploma
Academic Requirements
To be eligible for the Honors diploma, students must maintain a 3.0 GPA or better. Students that receive an incomplete for any honors level class must appeal to the honors committee for approval. At the time of graduation students will have completed at least 15 credits in honors/extended/AP/concurrent courses.
Service Requirements
Students must complete 10 hours of service to the community during their four years of high school.
If a teacher determines that cheating (including plagiarism) has occurred in any class, they may be ineligible for the honors diploma.
Application Process
After third term grades have been posted but before April 15th of the student’s senior year, the student must submit an official transcript to the Honors diploma committee along with a 300 word essay describing the service performed and why the student believes they deserve this honor. Students will then be notified by the first week of May if their application has been approved.